Thursday, February 4, 2010

never be too sure

In this day and age, it is almost too easy to let life get in your way. Honestly, I am that person most of the time. I let myself get wrapped up in the drama of work, friends, family....I mean whatever it is I get sucked right in. If that doesn't get me, my busy schedule gets me down. Yesterday my eyes were opened by the one person who opens them everytime, DK.

I am so lucky that I can afford to go to school, and that I have a job. I have the best friends on the freaking planet, and an amazing boyfriend that I could throw a mountain in front of and he would climb it to help me. I take these things for granted everyday when I feel depressed or sad. I got a slap across the face to make me realize that I need to play the game as a team and not an individual. Selfish, being unkind, over analizing, and angry just get in the way of living the way we are supposed to. Never be too sure someone will always be there, never be too sure that you're right, never be too sure that God isn't trying to teach you something. Just be sure you are giving a 100%, and be sure that you are playing the game of life with your heart and not your head.

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