Monday, July 11, 2011

Growing....up i guess.

Do you ever wonder how some people get so more lost then others? Lost in alcohol, drugs, money, hate, anger...i mean the list goes on. It is almost like once you dive in there is oil poured on top of the water and a fire it lit. Forever drowning. How do such awful things have such an impact on us? What makes us so unable to say no? To say...I am so much better than what I am doing.

How do we lose sight in the things that really matter? Like the ability to laugh, or love. Being able to look and find comfort in one person? or that one outlet that you have? I do not even call myself perfect. I am farther from perfect then anyone could be, but I would like to think that I learn from my mistakes. I try to make the best decision I can make at that time.

When is enough, enough? When do we walk away from someone that is "unhelpable"? How do we determine who is unhelpable? I have heard that in a time of need is when you need to show people that they matter, but what if you can't handle them? What if walking away is your last resort? How do we make these decisions? When is it over?

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